Lily Cup Compact
Only ₱1,800
The world’s first collapsible menstrual cup can go everywhere you can
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Frequently Asked Questions
Since a woman’s body undergoes many changes during life, the Lily Cup is available in two different sizes (except for Lily Cup One which is available in one size). The Lily Cup is designed for maximum comfort and should not be felt when worn. If you feel any discomfort, you may need to change your size.
Buying a pair of jeans that don’t fit you is a pretty uncomfortable (and frustrating) experience for most of us. Well, imagine buying something for your vagina that doesn’t fit. Ouch isn’t the word… If you know the length of your vaginal canal, then you can choose the menstrual cup that is the best length for your body.
Cervix too low for your cup? Don’t worry! Most cups can be trimmed and it’s super easy to do. Just make sure that you only trim a small amount at a time, so that you don’t snip too much. You can always keep trimming if it’s still uncomfortable.
Cutting the stem of a Lily Cup is quick, easy and effective. To trim your Lily Cup, cut the stem to just below the 3rd ring. For the Lily Cup One, you can safely trim the loop for a shorter tab stem. Make sure to use a clean, sharp pair of scissors for a neat cut. In general, we recommend leaving the final ring alone, both so that you still have something to grip for removal, and also to avoid puncturing your cup.
It is important to thoroughly clean your Lily Cup before and after each use. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before using your Lily Cup. Before first use, fully submerge your Lily Cup in boiling water for 5 to 8 minutes.
Cleaning and storing your Lily Cup properly will ensure that it lasts for a number of years. Replace your cup if you notice any cuts, punctures, or a sticky/oily film forming on the silicone.
Slight discoloration is normal and may occur over time. This will not affect the function or safety of the Lily Cup. To prevent stains, we recommend regularly emptying and cleaning your cup.
Hydrogen peroxide (1%): You can get this from most drug stores or pharmacies. Use one part 1% hydrogen peroxide and one part water. Submerge your cup and let it soak for 24 hours. Give it a good wash to remove all of the hydrogen peroxide residue before using it or storing it.
White vinegar: This might not do as good a job as the peroxide but it is very easy to find and completely natural. Use one part vinegar to two parts water. Submerge and soak your cup for 24 hours. If it still smells a bit like vinegar after washing the cup, follow up with a good boiling session.
For other questions, you may join the conversation in the Intimina Users Philippines Group on Facebook!